org/ Techniques / Mohamad-Testing Reading.htmlīrown, H. Boston, MA (Pearson Education GroupĪkmar Mohamad in http ://iteslj. R., et al (Eds.) (2001) A Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Īnderson, L. To dig up the students’ cognitive aspects, the lecture provide the specific worksheet which represents the students’ cognitive level for higher order thinking skill, (2) GIST creates the students’ character in a good manner, such as active, responsible and confident.They also learn how to work in a team (3) Some weaknesses found in this research are It needs a long time to create the instrument to support the implementation of GIST and Evaluation must be done by combining both cognitif level and the level of reading ability.Īebersold, Jo Ann & Field, Marrie Lee. The result of the research showed that (1) GIST has been implemented maximally by the lecture based on the characteristics of this teaching strategy. Then, analyzing data was done by reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusion or verification. They were observation, interview, and documentation. In doing the research, there were some steps to be implemented to collect the data. The method in this research was descriptive qualitative. This research aimed at (1) describing the implementation of GIST strategy in the process of teaching reading viewed from the cognitif aspect having by the students (2) finding the positif aspects of the implementation of GIST strategy (3) knowing the weaknesses of the implementation of GIST strategy in the process of teaching reading viewed from the cognitive aspect.